Can Facebook Make You Lonely

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Have you ever thought of linking unhappiness with social networking ? Justin Mullins , a freelance writer working for the BBC , tackled his article “Can Facebook make you sad” in several ways, but his main point of view was that Facebook makes you feel lonely when you view other people’s posts bragging about what they are doing, which in turn and by time makes you feel some sort of satisfaction about your present life . On reading Mullins’, I agree with many of the points that he presented and highlighted in his journey of writing this controversial article . I agree with his point of view about how Facebook sometimes makes you sad on seeing others' posts , but in my opinion , the mistake that Mullins made was that he totally ignored the positives of Facebook and other social networks making readers who refute his point think of him and the article as incredible.

Thinking about Mullins’ article, the points and the statistics that he presented, I totally agree with him when he …show more content…

As it is was stated clearly by The New Yorker Magazine “Facebook could even cause problems in relationships”, in addition to this , The Time Magazine indicated that “Facebook photos of your friends on vacation who’s celebrating a birthday party can make you feel lousy”. These two quotes extracted from the most reputable and popular magazines in the world agree with the points presented by Mullins in his article . This in fact shows that many people think that Facebook has a catastrophic effect on people’s modes and mainly teens. There has been cases of depression and suicide that have been caused by the openness of connection on social networks, so the question I think the author forgot to present is, “Are the negatives of Facebook more than the positives?” I think we all know the answer to this