Why Did Al Capone Become A Big Crime In The 1920's

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Between 1920 and 1921 there was a 24% rise in crime and a 78% rise in homicide. The 1920’s was the era of prohibition causing bootlegging to become a big crime, along with prostitution. Al Capone was one of the most prominent criminals during this time. He was guilty of crimes such as murder, hiring hit men, bootlegging and prostitution. Al Capone was by far the worst criminal in the 1920’s because of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, and the Adonis Club Massacre. Being involved with a gang or leading one you come into contact with other criminals and gangs, and worked closely with colleagues. The St. Valentine's Day Massacre was an unfortunate retaliation made by Al Capone and Jack McGurn. Bugs Muran was a rival along with the North Siders gang, …show more content…

Al Capone and Jack McGurn together made the decision to go against Muran together, after having to deal with situations made such as Muran attempting to kill Al Capone's associates and Jack McGurn himself. On February 14, 1929 Capone who was in Florida at the time checked into a hotel, and Jack was also away from the situation to look innocent when it was brought to light. This act was carried out by McGurns men, and a bootlegger. A bootlegger had gathered Bugs Moran and the gang into a garage to buy alcohol, The idea was to have the men outside in police uniforms with stolen police cars to fake a police raid. When the men believed they saw Muran they got into the cars and went to the garage. Once they entered the garage the bootlegger had believed they were caught and began lining up against the wall along with others involved. McGurn's men took the firearms from the bootleggers and began shooting, seven men were killed in cold blood that morning. However, at the end of this massacre the one person who was wanted dead the most by Al Capone and Jack Mcgurn had escaped, seeing the police cars before the even even transpired.