Why Did Andrew Mussolini Become A Dictator

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Dictators can be cruel, brutal and merciless leaders that may claim to help maintain a country’s well being, but in reality are just manipulating others for their own personal interests. There have been many of these self-proclaimed leaders over the course of history, and one of the most recognizable coming out of the Twentieth Century is none other than Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini. Although dictators come and go like pollen, Americans happen to be fortunate enough to not have their own totalitarian brute leading our country. Mussolini, in particular, would never be allowed to rise to rule the star-spangled nation due to these four amendments that would immediately stop Mussolini in his tracks. To start, the way in which Mussolini even places himself in power, right before he officially would become a dictator due to the Christmas Eve Law in 1925, would have dismantled do to the Twelfth Amendment. His March on Rome with the infamous Blackshirts, Mussolini’s private army, persuaded King Victor Emmanuel III to allow Mussolini to take over as the new Prime Minister. Mussolini bringing in his militia was a key factor in scaring the King to reward Mussolini with such a high political position. However, the Twelfth Amendment lays out the entire process for Americans to elect a new president and vice president. So hypothetically speaking and replacing Italy’s prime minister with the president, …show more content…

Mussolini would most likely attempt to evade this process with help of his military force, however the rational military leaders along with the overwhelming majority of Americans opposed to Mussolini’s fascist ideals and not to mention the support of powerful allies such as Britain and France alone, would eventually remove Mussolini from