Benito Mussolini's Definition Of Fascism

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Fascism by definition is a form of government which included an authoritarian and nationalistic system of government as well as social organization. In further explanation it is a form of government in which a dictator or emperor ultimately controls the government, the people are subjected to following the orders of their dictator or they will suffer the consequences. Despite the authoritarian style of government there are plenty uses for implanting this style of government. Various countries have utilized this, as well as it being one of the driving forces persuading those other countries to implement this form of government. Some countries who implemented this way of thinking was Japan, Germany, and. These countries did not all have the same …show more content…

Benito Mussolini’s definition of fascism states, “Fascism denies that the majority, by the simple fact that it is a majority, can direct human society.” (Benito Mussolini, What is Fascism?, page 1). Meaning only that the definition of Fascism illustrates how the use of democracy is irrelevant. The Democratic state being able to use the input of the majority to manipulate human society because of that is not one that is ideal due to the fact that a fascist state can accomplish all that a Democratic state can. This form of government appealed to Mussolini partly because he knew it was going to work in his favor and that he would have a sudden rise to power if he was able to efficiently implement the new form of government, or so he thought. Mussolini was somewhat like a test run for this new form of government in the sense that he fulfilled the true meaning of fascism. He was able to gain dictatorship of Italy and implement his form of government onto the people in the way he sees fit. Mussolini was able to dictate even if the people were allowed to protest against the movement which shows how much power he help. Also this illustrates how the Italian people were reduced to being smaller than Mussolini due to the extermination of the democratic …show more content…

However the fascist system was short lived because of how inefficient each dictator used their system. Prime example is Hitler he was able to establish a strong dictatorship however he was not able to prepare his country to fight against the rest of the world due to his misuse of propaganda. Although showing much promise fascism is not a form of government that can be used to govern a country due to the fact that in all cases of its use it was short lived. The rise of Fascism shows that the power of people’s identity can be manipulated easily by influencing the people. This then allows one to show the people who everyone else is in a new light, or the way that the dictator sees fit. Ultimately the use of fascism was a system that had high hopes for its success however it was a very short lived form of government as soon as the democratic system was implemented the right