Why Did Europeans Explore The Sea Research Paper

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Why did the Europeans explore the seas?

The Europeans explored the seas because they wanted to gain more power, money, resources and spread religion. Columbus had sailed and promised he would collect money, resources etc. At the time christianity was big and the Europeans wanted to spread more of christianity around the world. For a long time Europeans have been searching for new land and trade routes which lead the Europeans to explore the seas. Although people might say the Europeans sailed seas to find friendship and relationships with other people, the Europeans only wanted power, money and resources.

Columbus had taken some Indians by force teaching them their language and tried to make them their soldiers.He took possessions of things without thinking about anybody and he promised his country that he would get them money and …show more content…

For a long struggle for Europe they were looking for more power and everyone else who wished for money and power. John and his sons or their heirs and deputies conquered, possess in towns, castles, cities and islands discovered by them, but the people has to pay them, in either goods or money. “nations of Europe for commercial supremacy and control of the traffic with the East. In all these dreams of the politicians and merchants, sailors and geographers, who pushed back the limits of the unknown world, there is the same glitter of gold and precious stones, the same odor of far-fetched spices” (Sir Walter Raleigh). “John and his sons or their heirs and deputies may conquer, occupy and possess whatsoever such towns, castles, cities and islands discovered by them, but, they must pay to us, either in goods or money, the fifth part of the whole capital gained” (John Cabot). Europeans sailed seas because they wanted more money and to conquer new lands or lands already discovered and have the people pay them in either goods or money which lead them to being more