
Why Did Hitler Use Propaganda

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The whole point of using propaganda is to derail people from what they think to make them think something different. That’s exactly what Adolf Hitler used and did to gain his power over his country. Adolf Hitler advocated the use of propaganda to his people in order to spread the idea of National socialism and fascism. Wanting the Nazi message to be successfully communicated so Hitler established the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. He needed propaganda to acquire and maintain his rule, because it forces what he wants his people and others to believe. After taking over Hitler he started a ministry called the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda spreading the Nazi message through all sorts of art such as films, posters, books, and the press. They used those to remind the germans of foreign enemies whom were fighting against the Nazis and S.U. along with undermining of the power and authority of the Nazis from …show more content…

Then quickly chose to get rid of Germany’s democracy, and got rid of individual freedoms and rights. When the Enabling act came about of March 24 1933 it gave him dictatorial powers over the people, which only lead to Germans believing the aryan race was superior and part of the struggle is because of practically anyone else such as Jews, Gypsies, and the handicapped only seeing them as a threat to their survival. Jews were their most hated people out of those three, they put them all in camps for mass genocide or to work them to death but made it seem as though through propaganda films they were happy living there and it was all joyful to the rest of the world. While also using hate propaganda to blame jews for the economic depression and the loose of WW1 knowingly it was the Soviet Union and the Treaty of

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