Why Did Macbeth Choose His Fate Research Paper

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Macbeth was a noble man turned evil, who turned evil once he decided to take his fate in his own hands. Banquo and Macbeth bot learned of their fate from the three witches. Macbeth ordered for the family of Macduff to be murdered. Macduff did not want to accept his fate as it was. He decided to attempt to change his fate by doing his own free will. First, the witches told Banquo and Macbeth of their fates. Macbeth was to be killed of man not born of a woman. He was startled once he learned of his fate. Macbeth could have stopped learning about his fate there. He instead continued to demand to know from the witches. He decided to have Banquo killed once he learned Banquo’s son would be kings. Next, Macbeth ordered the death of Macduff’s family.

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