Why Did Nazis Use Of Propaganda

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Propaganda is information that is promoted to the public. The information is biased and tries to make people see the promoters point of view. Propaganda works only on some people because it may only target a certain group. When the Nazis try to recruit soldiers they use techniques that caught the eye of young men because that is who they aimed for. Propaganda pertains to a certain group of people and when it does not fit into that category, propaganda will not apply to them. Today propaganda aims at all types of people. Facial cleaners aim towards teenagers because teens have break outs. To make teens relate even more they will ask a popular actor or singer to promote their brand, which makes even more teens relate to them. Adults are not their focus which is why …show more content…

The Nazis told the Germans that they were the best race in the world, the most superior. Everyone believed them because they told the kids in schools, hung up posters everywhere, and publicised it on the radio. They drilled it into everyone’s heads and they eventually believed them. Those people like Peter, who were not affected by the Nazis propaganda, had an inspiration the kept them driven. Peter had his dad, who’s memories kept him true and honest, but Thomas, who came from a broken family, that was hard on him and did not show him love, needed something to cling onto. He felt comfort in the Nazis and felt like they were his family because they cared for him and congratulated him on his success in school and accomplishments. Just like the kids who are too young for the Nike propaganda, Peter does not fall for the Nazi propaganda. When companies propagandize they tell you what they believe and want you to think the same way. People with strong opinions or believe strongly in their beliefs, like Peter, will not be affected by the bias propaganda because they do not want to believe anyone else 's way, but their