Why Did So Many Colonists Die Dbq

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Why did so many colonists die? In early Jamestown from 1607 to 1610, 462 colonists died even though Jamestown was supplied with 560 colonists. That only leaves 90 that survived after May of 1610. Most people that come into jamestown were between ages of 17 to 35 years old. On may 14, 160, colonists set off for Jamestown Island to build a settlement there. Colonists were on a area where Native american tribes were located around them, also they had a unsanitary environment around them, also they has a drought and the starving time they had. To Begin with, According to document A, The colonists had unsanitary water, because they had dumped their waste in the river, they thought it will go down, but it didn't so they drank brackish water. Mosquitoes …show more content…

In the first ship, 82 settler had known occupation, For example: 6 councils ( governors), 47 gentlemen, 12 labours, 4 carpartners, 1 Blacksmith, 1 sailor, 1 barber, 1 bricklayer, 1 mason, 1 tailor, 1 drummer, 1 preacher, 4 Boyes, 1 surgeon, and 28 unknown occupation. In the second ship, For example: 1 council, 28 gentlemen, 21 labourer, 1 cooper, 1 blacksmith, 1 tobacco pipe maker, 6 tailors, 1 jewelry, 4 refiners and goldsmith, 1 gunsmith, 1 perfumer, 2 apothecaries, 1 surgeon, and 51 unknown occupation. The third ship crashed and they didn´t survived. The first people who came to jamestown 70, died by May. According to Document D, Francis west and 36 other men, sailed up to the chesapeake bay to trade for corn with patawomeck Indians, still part powhatan. Though west packed grains with his small ship, but according to the document, ¨”some harsh and crewell dealing by cutting of two of the salvages heads and other extremely¨, this says the they had to kill the natives of americans to get what they wanted. The cargo shipped back to jamestown to feed the hungry and then go back to england. Document C, and D, told why they died and how they treated the native americans and why they didn't have good relationship with the natives. They starved because they weren't very good with handling their own thing and they didnýt have many experiences with the