Why Did The North Win The Civil War Essay

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Every American has either heard of or knows the details of the Civil War. The Civil War began in South Carolina in 1861 and ended in 1865. Like most wars, the Civil War began due to a disagreement. When former President Abraham Lincoln was running for his position he promised to end slavery. Obviously the slave owning states were against this, so they separated themselves from the states and created The Confederates States of America. This ended up creating a war against the north and the south, each side trying to destroy its rival. It’s a known fact that the north won the war, the question is how? The railroads greatly helped the North. The North had at least 22,000 miles of railroads, which was much more than the south did. These railroads help deliver things that were needed such as supplies, food, medical equipment and even more men to fight. The North themselves also realized how vital these railroads …show more content…

The north had a larger population. The north had a 22 million population while the south only had 9 million. Without even knowing the downfalls of the south, you can already predict that it won’t work out well for them. How are you supposed to fight a war against a location that has over 11 million more civilians than you do? It sounds nearly impossible. The north also had some extra hands during the war. Not only did American born soldiers fight in the war but immigrants also fought as well. In Ireland a large potato famine happened. A disease spread across the potato crops and killed a main food source. Many of the Irish left Ireland and came to America and fought for the north. Them joining the north created even a bigger ratio difference with the south. Truly how are you supposed to believe in a cause as strongly as these men claimed to when you aren’t willing to fight for