Why Did The Renaissance Start In Italy?

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A) Why did the Renaissance start in Italy? Describe the role of the aristocratic courts of such powerful figures as the de Medicis and the papacy in engendering and sustaining this cultural revival. There were a few reasons that the renaissance started in Italy. First and foremost, was their geological location. The city-states of Italy were positioned on the Mediterranean Sea, which was a huge hub for trade and commerce at the time. Families within Italy were wealthy and culturally diverse, with an interest in scholars and artists. These families, more so the Medici’s in particular, supported various scholars and artists to make Italy itself a place of cultural significance, increasing the demand for trade within the city-states. Italy, was not always a place of such importance and significance. The Medicis were a huge factor in making Italy the birthplace of the Renaissance. The family went through various “bumps in the road” as a wealthy and powerful family, including one of their previous family members, Lorenzo “The magnificent” who everyone admired for bringing peace and prosperity to Italy, being targeted for a plot of murder in order to seize their power. Although Lorenzo survived this attempt, he died of natural causes …show more content…

Art works such as these, show a clear effort for the artists during the renaissance to popularize the recognition and familiarity of antiquities such as early Christian history. The idea behind art and literature with the same idea behind it as this was to take the history of man and all who reside in it, and redefine the significance of it was into something that can be of significance within everyone that lives