Why Did The Trojan War Happened?

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The speculation surrounding the Trojan War has been ongoing for thousands of years. Discussions regarding when it happened, what happened and if it even happened at all have circulated from the times of Herodotus to present day. Whilst there are scholars who have concluded that the Trojan War is but a legend, others are adamant that it did happen and that Homer’s Illiad is the telling of a true battle. One of these believers was Heinrich Schliemann, a man who made it his life’s mission to discover Troy and he appeared to do so in the 1870s when he started digging at Hisarlik, located in historic Anatolia. However, his initial belief that Troy II was Priams’ Troy was quickly disputed by German architect, Wilhelm Dorpfeld. Since then further excavations of Hisarlik have been conducted and the general consensus, if we believe that Hisarlik is the site of the Trojan War is that either Troy VI or Troy VII is Priam’s Troy. …show more content…

Although this may be the case, evidence from Troy VI and VII have indicated other possible reasons for the 10 year long siege of the Mycenaeans. Theories such as Chris Mee’s that suggest fishing rights were the cause for the attack or Michael Wood’s that it may have been troubles at home that spurred the Mycenaean’s attack have been presented. Another interesting idea is Bloedow’s, who believes that the access to the Black Sea was why the Greeks attacked. Thus the question is put forth, was Helen of Troy the sole reason for the Trojan War, or would the notorious war still have happened if she hadn’t been kidnapped? From the evidence presented in this paper, I believe that if the Trojan War happened, the kidnapping of Helen of Troy was a catalyst for a war that was bound to happen