Why Did Train And Railroad Change Life In Canada

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How Did Trains And Railroads Change Life In Canada When railways first began to spread across Canada they helped settlers move west where there were more land. The government's plan was to move more people west so it is a little easier to protect Canada's land from the United States. The railway also helped a ton in the war effort. The railway that time moved soldiers, food, clothing, ammunition, weapons, and vehicles to the coast and loaded them on ships that went to the battle. If the railway was not there it would have been more difficult to move everything across the country and we would have more troubles winning the war. Another thing the railway does is connect Canada coast to coast and makes it easier to transport goods across the …show more content…

Throughout the years there has been numerous railways. Some of the earliest were the Champlain and Saint Lawrence Railroad the Grand Trunk Railway and the Canadian Pacific Railway. The Champlain and saint Lawrence Railroad construction began in 1835 and was financed by Montreal entrepreneur and brewery owner John Mlison. Is is Canada's first railway and it runs between La Prairie on the saint Lawrence river and saint john's. They merged with Montreal and new York railroad in 1857. Later it was expanded south along the Richelieu river valley in 1851. It is a 16 mile railway. The Grand Trunk Railway’s main line ran from Portland, Maine to Montreal and then to Sarnia Ontario where it joined its western subsidiary. It also operated through Quebec, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut. It also ran from Winnipeg via Melville and Edmonton to Prince Rupert, British …show more content…

This paragraph will talk about Challenges, Little known facts,and current uses. There are many challenges in maintaining the railway some are recessions, maintenance, and network performance and capabilities. In my opinion recessions are the biggest threat to the railways. What this means is that many people will lose their jobs, less businesses will use their railways, less goods will be needed to transport across Canada from coast to coast, and with less money and income they will be forced to spend less money on maintenance and the lines won't be as safe. Maintenance is a challenge as well. The reason it's a challenge for big railway companies is because there is so much railroad do keep safe for starters. The Canadian National Railway owns 32,831 Km of railway that spreads across 8 provinces and they are in fully working order. The work performance and capabilities is important in both the railway business itself and the safety of others. The workers must be able to know what speeds they are supposed to on certain spots on the tracks to keep themselves from flipping the train and causing an accident. This is why network performance and capabilities are important and a challenge for railway services around the world. But for the business of the railway it makes sure they know how long it will take to transport certain equipment on the railway and creates competition between different