
Why Did World War II: The Start

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Germany was one of the main offender’s when we look at why World War II was started. One of the reasons behind this is because of who was leading them. Adolf Hitler, a decorated officer in World War I, was not pleased with the Treaty of Versailles. But he couldn’t just take power right away. He first had to start small so Hitler spoke in beer halls. Using the loss of World War I and nationalism, Hitler started to gain some support. He also had ties to Dietrich Eckart who was a famous playwright and gave Hitler more popularity. In 1921 Hitler became the leader of the newly created Nazi Party. Then in 1923 Hitler tried to perform a coup which failed and he was sent to prison. After Hitler was released he went back to work and in 1933 was able …show more content…

Paris had been overrun and the Allies were on their heels but there was about to be a major turn in the war. On June 6th, 1944 the Allies attacked the beaches at Normandy coast in France. While the beach was well fortified the Allies had done well to trick the Germans into thinking that the attack was going to be closer to Britain. There was still a good fight that was put up by the Germans but they were not able to hold the beaches and within the next couple days German units were on the retreat. But the war was not yet lost and the Germans were able to create a bulge in the Allied lines. The Germans attacked at the Ardennes which like Normandy were heavily fortified but not well defended. After the bulge had been created things went downhill for the Nazis. They ran out of fuel which was vital for their offensive and the Americans fought with great gallantry to stop the Nazi advance. This failed blitzkrieg thrust cost the Germans dearly as they were now in full retreat of the Allied army. The other big mistake made by the Nazis was to break the pact they had with Stalin and invade the Soviet Union. Hitler thought that if he could defeat the Soviet Union he could then focus on the war in the west. This second front that Hitler created would come back to haunt him within a few months. In the summer and fall of 1941 the Nazis were able to push to Leningrad where they were stopped by the Soviets. Then winter hit and the Nazis were not prepared since they had planned for a blitzkrieg war. The Soviets took advantage of this and launched a counteroffensive. After the 1941 winter counteroffensive the Soviets were pushed back to Stalingrad and were held there until the summer of 1943. By January in 1945 the Soviets had been able to push the Germans back since they outnumbered them 5-6:1. Finally in April of 1945 the Soviet Union broke through the German line in Berlin causing the Nazis pride and joy Hitler to commit

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