They’re many reasons why artists in these new era lip-sync, has illuminated artist dancing skills are their singing and talent. I have mix feeling about artists that lip-sync. I truly enjoy seeing live concerts although they are very expensive. I think we pay too much to see artist lip-sync. I enjoy the dazzling visuals but on the other hand, I want my money worth to a live concert. One of the thing that irritates me is when the artists uses digital magic and electronic enhancement that result in a hybrid in the music were I can tell that the artists marries technology with a certain cynicism that left me wondering if the concert was live or not.
This industry of new artists having a dazzling performances bouncing around the stage and the audience will not realize if
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Nonetheless when you see an artist’s bouncing all over the stage huffing and puffing and I don’t hear that huffing and puffing. I realize in that moment, that the artists is lip-syncing and that the concert is prerecorded music. I do understand that lip-syncing is now a part of almost all the artists’ performances. This era doesn 't allowed the artists to sing live. When I went to see Beyoncé live in concert, I could hear her echo coming back at me and it was so distracting. At this time I was so angry. I just paid $200 per seat to see Beyoncé live and singing the songs that I love. When I got was a pre-recording concert. I was very upset. It was not what I thought it was going to be. I didn’t think that Beyoncé will be one of those artist that will lip-sync her concerts. I was so disappointing to see Beyoncé lip-sync at the concert. One of the reason that Beyoncé is so famous is for being able to sing and dance live and now I recently found out that Beyoncé and a