Why Do Black Lives Matter Essay

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The economy did take a slight dip because of this. The Australian economy lost 3.02% in annual gross domestic product or also known as GDP. This steamed from the adjustment years of those facing disabilities. In conclusion, while the study should not have to tell people that discrimination is wrong, it also shows how the emotional well being of others actually affects us in more ways than one. If the Australian people didn’t have to worry about EOD the economy would be in a better state. The study finally suggests that for the sake of global economic advancement that countries similar to Australia should target equal and civil rights for all people.
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Our society’s view of the Black Lives Matter movement it is very connected to the civil rights movement. In the article, Why Black Lives Matter to U.S. Intelligence by Clapper he brings up some incredible well thought about our current society. The concept that the phrase “Black lives Matter” is a controversial statement is incredibly odd and confusing. (Clapper P.55) When it comes down to facts the movement name is Black Lives Matters. Matters. BLM is not a hate group trying to rise above white society. How can it be a group trying to rise above white society when the movement uses the word Matters? Clapper continues to discuss how much far African Americans in American history. Former First lady, Michelle Obama states that when she looks at her children in the white house, she remembers that the white house they live in, was built by slaves. (Clapper P.55) American’s history is often sugar coated, where many people often forget the horrors that black people have had to face. It is often forgotten that our first president, George Washington who could not tell a lie. Own slaved. Many People claim that the issues of treatment of African Americans is “Ancient History” but in all reality the mistreatments of African Americans still happens within our lifetimes. (Clapper P.55) The mistreatments of discrimination from culture apportion and hate