
Why Do Foreign Students Have A Greater Work Ethic Than American Students

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Miller argues that Foreign students have a greater work ethic than American students. She concedes that there are exceptions being there are lazy Foreign students and high performing American students. However, the trend she sees in her college courses is Foreign students,simply put, try harder. They are attentive in class, engage in discussions, and attempt to better their work. Miller then tells an anecdote of an American student seeking help to raise his grade when he had been sleeping during class. The stark comparison makes millers point; American students expect results without the effort. Miller cites one instance of a Foreign student from Shanghai who would continue to do rewrites to perfect her grammar. Miller also points to the use of cell phones by many American students; they are disengaged in class yet continue to expect their grades to be high.

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The average American high school student is looking at the prospect of a higher education; college was always their only option. However, when we look at various other Foreign countries and we do not see the same opportunities presented to students. Therefore, once at the academic institution they worked so hard to attend the Foreign students are more appreciative of what they see in front of them. The American student had always seen this in their future. There wasn't a massive struggle to get where there are. They lack appreciation for the education they have and take opportunities for granted. Cultural factors also play into the situation. Parents of those from Asian countries have high demands for success; leading to a fear of failure causing Asian students to work harder to excel. Those from Asian

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