Why Do Horses Have Hoofs

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Why do horses have hoofs Once long ago their was a diverse beautiful land where all the horses would live. There lived a greedy horse their. Her name was Taylor. All the horses were always miserable because they had no protection on their feet and neither did Taylor. So Taylor had the horses work for her. Except her only friend Alexa, who was not that nice either. The horses did not like Taylor. They were planning to run away. Taylor heard of this so she thought of a very greedy plan. “ Alexa I have a great Idea” Taylor said, “Let’s tell the horses to go to a mountain where they will find all the food and shelter they need, even protection on their feet.” “ But taylor then we would not have protection on our feet either, and they would not work for us.” Said Alexa confused. “ No, Alexa this is a trick, there is no shelter in the Highland mountain. Their is …show more content…

“ What are you talking about Alexa surviving this world is hard, don’t make it harder.” Said Taylor. “ No! I am done, you are on your own.” Alexa said as she galloped away. Taylor was upset, she had no friends. After days past, it finally rained in the Highland mountain. The horses were free! When they stepped out they felt amazing. Their feet were not hurting anymore. They had the rock stuck to their feet. Taylor did save them. So they ran down the mountain to go thank Taylor. When the horses crowded around Taylor she felt horrible. She started to cry. Then a horse named Kiley came out of the crowd. Taylor explained what her plan was and sobbed more. “I am sorry you have no friends, I will be your friend.” Kiley said pleasantly. “You don’t have to, I was so mean to everyone including my only friend Alexa, no she’s gone.” Taylor sobbed.” “No she went up with us she has the new feet too.” Said Kiley. Kiley, Taylor and Alexa all became friends again. Taylor got the new feet too! Kiley named the new feet hoofs. Which stand for Heroic order of forever