Why Do More Guns Cause More Crime

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More guns does not necessarily mean that there is more danger. This has been a very controversial topic for years. When people get asked this questions they most likely think ‘Well of course! More guns = more crime!’. Most of the time when people think of guns they think of danger and someone getting hurt. As the number of Americans with concealed carry permits increase, the number of violent crimes has decreased. A study done by the Crime Prevention Research Center, revealed a significant increased in people who carry concealed weapons. 11.1 million Americans now carry concealed weapons, while in 2007, only 4.5 million Americans carried them. That 146% increase occurs simultaneously with a 22% decrease in both murder and violent crimes. Deaths …show more content…

Roughly 2,000 to 5,200 gun shows take place every year in the United States. Gun shows "provide a venue for the sale and exchange of firearms by federal firearms licensees (FFLs). These shows are also a venue for private sellers who buy or sell firearms for their personal collections or as a hobby. In situations like these, the sellers are not required to have a federal firearms permit or license. By now, pretty much everyone has had some knowledge of the recent shooting in San Bernardino but ten days after the tragic event Southern Californians rushed to a weekend gun show in Del Mar. Many of them were voicing their concerns that ‘another mass shooting could lead to tighter restrictions on gun sales’. The attendance at the gun show exceeded 15,000 people; twice as much as usual. Bob Templeton, the show’s owner said that “people are taking control of their personal safety”. California has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and those laws are making selling guns at gun shows more difficult. For now there is no definite answer if right to carry laws have higher or lower crime rates but at the moment it seems that there is more danger in states that allow