Why Do Rites Of Terror Cause Religious Hatred?

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Rites of terror are rituals that involve the emotion of terror and cause the participants to feel negative emotions. The experiences will make the participants have a long lasting memory of the ordeal. Rites of terror can lead to religious hatred due to the violence that is experienced. When someone is undergoing something traumatic they might see the ritual as oppression instead of something sacred. In the chapter “Religious Hatred” it discusses, religious hatred can be observed in violence and through violence is where hatred is most actively expressed (Corrigan 333). In a violent situation it is easy to see how hatred comes about and how the act perfectly shows the true nature of hate. For example, when someone is enduring the violent ritual it is easy …show more content…

Religion consists of many cultural and ethnic elements. Many look to point fingers at religions and blame them for certain things, which can cause religious hatred as well. Most of the time it is ignorance that leads to religious hatred. In some cases though it is a religion`s fault. John Corrigan explains in the chapter, religions that organize parts of the world in what is good and evil can cause religious concept of us versus them (Corrigan 336). This can definitely lead to religious hatred because those parts that are seen as evil can become offended. They will want to know why they are seen as evil and why you are against them? For example, people can be offended by something a religion preaches or participates in. They will become angry and want to take out their hate on the religion. All religions have beliefs that we may not all agree with. In looking for examples of hate in the bible, I noticed there were many scriptures saying not to hate people and the only thing to really hate is evil. There is one I remember though. In the book of Matthew there is a scripture where it basically says that everyone will hate you because you follow