Why We Should Not Play Sports In Schools Essay

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Sports a big part of American kids lives today. Too big actually. So many kids are involved in sports that are hurting their lives more than helping them! Every year sports take up money that schools should be spending on teachers. Sports cause children to focus more on sports than school in school! Sports affect athletes health in such a dramatic way that a lot of players do not recover.

The average school spends about 92,000$ on a football team. Schools spend only 14,000$ on all of the math classes. (Both of these statistics are taken from USA Today) The chances of a high school student playing in the pros is a ratio of 603:1. This means that most of this money that the schools are shelling out is going to waste. The math students that are getting very little money are guaranteed to use math in life but the football players that might catch a football in the stands of a football game are still getting more money! Schools do not have not priorities straight! Schools need teachers. The need bigger schools so that the classes are not as big and the schools are not as cramped. Instead the districts are not bold enough to cut out sports. The schools are supplying money that literacy students are in need of! Students are abusing the equipment that the schools are …show more content…

Wrong. What ever happened to running around the block? Doing a push-up? A sit up? The best part is all of these activities are free! You can run around the blocks millions of times and be in fit without having to pay anyone. There is no excuse to exercise outside of school, so why do we need sports in school?!?

Sports have no places in school! There is no need for them to take up students study time, self control, or health! There is so many other options than putting harmful sports in school! Schools need to step up and be the adults in students careers. Get rid of