Did you know that paying students for having good grades resulted in a decrease in dropout rates, gangs, alcohol, and drug use? Students should get paid for having excellent grades. The reason why this is important is because it could lead to a brighter future for society. Three reasons why students should get paid for having awesome grades is because cash for good grades provide students with career-like rewards, it decreases dropout rates, and with the right incentive,could lead to success. All of those three reasons could and will result in success. Almost any child would work hard for cash. Those are some reasons why kids should get paid for good grades.
First of all, students should get paid for having good grades because money for grades provides real, career-like rewards. Hers is a quote from a website called GreatSchools.org. “ Cash for grades programs may jump start motivation by providing real world rewards for their effort and performance. Proponents liken these rewards to an adult getting a raise or bonus for performing well on the job.” This leads to children getting to know what having a job is like early on in their life. Like the article said, cash for grades is almost equivalent
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Success is a great thing, I mean, who doesn’t want to be successful in their lifetime? Anyways, here is a quote from the Prairieecothrifter article. “ Paying for grades within a full system of expectations, ongoing support, encouragement, and recognition can provide added incentive for success.” This quote means that what will or most likely happen if you start the cash for grades program at your school then you will be successful in getting good grades. The effect of this is more students will get good grades, thus meaning they’re getting A better education. Unquestionably, with the right incentive, cash for grades will lead to