Why Do Victims Get Names Removed?

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Victims can’t get names removed is an article written by Marty Sharpe for Stuff.co.nz on 21 May 2014. It is about two girls who were abused and harassed for many years by Christopher Hill. Hill has gone to prison for seven years but he has the names of his victims tattooed on his arms and the girls cannot get it removed. This article made me think about how in ways prisoners have more rights than people think. It also made me think about how people don’t always trust the right people.
A part of the article I found sad was, the children were very young when they were abused and they have no rights when it comes to getting their tattooed names removed from their abusers arm. The older girl made a victim statement saying “He didn’t ask me if he could put my name on his arm. I would like it taken off. It feels like he owns me”. The quote made me feel sad to think that a young girl is made to feel like her abuser owns her, and her feelings don’t change anything. This made me think about having no control over how other people behave. Also I thought about how when I was younger my father would do things with me that I didn’t want to do, but because I was young I didn’t have the power to change it or have a choice in what we did. It made me feel sad and upset because I had no rights to an opinion. It made me feel that …show more content…

“….the prisoner may never reach a level of remorse…”.This made me feel angry because, they have victims and they clearly don’t consider their feelings, they are very self-centred. This part of the article made me think about when I was bullied in primary school. The bully would go through my desk, and embarrass me in front of everyone. The bully had no remorse, she only thought about herself and from the first day she never thought about how she was making me feel and how she was coming across to everyone else. The bully made me feel small, like I was never as good as