Why Do We Need To Legalize Organ Donation Essay

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The procurement of organs for transplantation involves the removal of organs from the bodies of deceased persons. This removal must follow legal requirements, including the definition of death and consent ("Human Organ Transplantation). Many people everyday need an organ donation. Organ transplant surgery have improved health, quality of life, and life expectancy for many of people who have had organ failure. Nearly 75,000 Americans are on a waiting list for kidney transplant ("Should We Legalize the Market for Human Organs”). Some people are lucky enough to get their wish come true, others are not so lucky. Donating your organs to those in need has always been a kind act out of someone’s heart that many people are so grateful for. When someone does this it is because they truly care for someone and have a big heart for helping others. Human organs should not be able to be sold in order to make money off of it. I find this idea disgusting,wrong, and inhumane. Humans deserve more respect than that. I do not …show more content…

If organs were sold, that would allow only those who could actually afford such organs to be able to have transplants and required surgeries. For those who could not afford them would have to suffer and possibly die rather than have a fair chance at life. This is another reason why we should not sell organs. People who are considered rich would end up buying all the organs and the poor could not afford them. That simply would not be right for anyone. Not everyone would be given a equal chance. Everyone deserves an equal chance at life, and it should not be based on money. If organs were to be sold, people would possibly buy more than what they need to save up just in case of emergency which can also lead to an issue for people who actually need the organs. There would no longer be equality in the right to medical care. It would be