
Why Do We Need To Use Violence In Law Enforcement Essay

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Police officers and soldiers get blamed when they use violence or weapons on a suspect, even when it is their job. In certain situations, law enforcement officers need to use weapons and the threat of violence. They can’t always use reason and appeal to people when they are committing a crime. Officers and soldiers need to use self-defense. They are just simply doing their job to protect themselves and the public, but they get blamed when a suspect gets killed using threats or weapons. Law enforcement occasionally needs to use weapons or the threat of violence in certain situations because they need to use self-defense, and do their job, and it gets people to listen to the officers. Police officers, soldiers, or other law enforcement officers …show more content…

You can’t just talk to the suspect because they aren’t going to care. The police have to do what is best for them and the public. The most effective thing would be if you threaten or use weapons. For example, the book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy states, “We don’t want to shoot you, Beeblebrox!” (Adams 205) This shows that the police’s goal isn't to try and shoot you. They do not want that, but they cannot always reason with suspects in the long term because they are not going to get a response. Using reason would give the police a chance to get harmed by the suspect or criminal. They shouldn’t endanger themselves by trying to reason with the …show more content…

Using force or weapons is a way more effective way. Using reason won’t work with most criminals. If you were a criminal you wouldn’t want to listen to the police and you wouldn’t care what they had to say. At times, the right thing might just have to be violence even if you don’t want to. A website from the UCLA Police Department states, “The Department recognizes and respects the value of all human life and dignity without prejudice to anyone. It is also understood that vesting officers with the authority to use reasonable force and protect the public welfare requires a careful balancing of all human interests.” (Paragraph 3) This shows that police value people’s lives, but in certain circumstances, weapons are the safest option. It is law enforcement's job to keep your area safe, and the best way to keep you safe from bad people would be to use violence or weapons. Law enforcement will need to use weapons on occasion especially when they need to protect themselves and do their

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