Why Does Alexander Do Not Want To Succeed In Life

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When people hear Alexander they start thinking of what others have said to them about the town. However, someone’s expectations about the people, the way they live their life, and how they would all end up could not be more wrong. The reality of the place hits people when they finally open their eyes and stop listening to rumors. Sometimes in that moment, they find where they belong. Alexander is known as the bad part of town. When someone hears of another person moving there she instantly thinks they will be surrounded by gangs and drugs. If someone were to ask; a good kid about Alexander she would hear about how someone gets shot daily, and to remember to lock the doors when going through there, a drug addict would tell her where to go get the best drugs and how girls should not walk alone, teachers would get a look on their faces and make a comment about how kids in Alexander do not want to succeed in life. These are the stories poured into peoples head from several different sources who each have something to say about Alexander in a negative way. …show more content…

That’s when her first expectation will get hit with reality. Nobody was going to start shooting up their street. There would be little kids playing in their yards and the street without a care in the world. The good girl was just a rich girl afraid to go to the poor side. When someone would meet the teenagers she would realize they did want to go somewhere in life. In that moment her second expectation will shatter. The kids are smart in their own unique ways. The teacher found out the kids were from the poor side of town and figured they would end up as failures. However, not all places can be perfect. There were drugs around, but unless someone went looking for drugs they were not within eye sight. That drug addict knew where to look and thought everyone around was into

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