
Why Does Huck Finn Escape Society

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, narrates the adventures of Huck Finn, a young boy trying to escape society. Feeling trapped, Huck wants to run away from civilization’s rules and responsibilities. Feeling trapped, Huck runs away from civilization’s rules and responsibilities. Huck is accustomed Having essentially raised himself. A father plays an important role in a kids live, it is a huge responsibility. However, Pap shows no concern towards Huck. Pap abuses Huck on daily bases, aganist his education and locks him up in a filthy cabin. Huck wants to be able to escape from his abusive father and the way he is restricted to act in society. Society expects Huck to have manners and be cultured. Huck enjoys being “lazy” and “smoking”. …show more content…

Mrs.Watson and the widow do not want Huck to smoke, however, he does as he pleases without the right teachings. Huck thinks it is his right to smoke. Mrs.Watson is a religious lady who believes in god. She visits church often and instructs Huck to do so. Moreover, Huck is told many times to act cultured. However, the widow’s attempt to reform Huck fails. Huck feels suffocated to act according to society’s rules, he wants to explore the outside world. Without love and teachings from a mother and father, Huck fails to act and think like rest of the society. The more society pressures Huck to be cultured, Huck learns to be himself and ignore the rest. Huck enjoys being lazy, play in the mud and live life without him getting criticized. He wants to look for a place where he can, enjoy life without the fear of getting yelled at. Huck also fears his father who constantly abuses him. In a drunk state, Pap is

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