Why Does The Spirit Triumph During World War 2 Analysis

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Holocaust Writing: How Does the Spirit Triumph? Although tortured and tormented during the Holocaust, the spirit of Jews still triumphed significantly. During World War 2, in Europe from 1939 to 1945, Jews were sent to camps where they’d be tortured, starved, or killed immediately. At the end of the war, it was reported that about 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust and about 800 survived. Even so, Jews held in these camps kept their spirits high by connecting with nature, love, and laughter. During this time Jews expressed themselves through poems and writings, and that’s where most famous Jewish writing came from. Nature helped Jews connect with joys of life and made their spirits triumph during the Holocaust. Anne Frank wrote, “I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.” (Doc D). Also, Etty Hillesum wrote, “I couldn’t fob them off with the rainbow, could I? – even though that was the only reason for my cheerfulness….” (Doc E). Even though the Nazi tried to take everything joyful away from the Jews there were just some things they couldn’t. …show more content…

In (Doc A) Syvia and her family were all feeling the mental effects of the Holocaust but were brought together with love. Syvia states, “She does not say ‘I love you’ in hugs or kisses, but her love fills my plate, and I gobble it up.” Also in (Doc E) it states, “Jopie, who feels thoroughly sick and all in, stood together with his sister-in-arms Etty for at least a quarter of an hour” So although going through something individually, family stuck together and their love for one another helped their spirits triumph and allowed their love for one another to grow