
Why Dystopian Novels Are Popular

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Dystopian novels have become more and more popular over the ages. Many books have contributed to this overwhelming popularity of dystopian novels. Legend is the reason dystopian novels are popular because it gives readers a feeling of adventure and rebellion, and it lets the readers forget about their problems and escape into a more interesting world than theirs. The first reason Legend is the reason dystopian novels are popular is because it gives readers a feeling of adventure and rebellion. An example of this feeling from Legend is, “I’m going to help Day escape.”(Lu, 251) June, one of the main characters states this after she learns that the government that she had been working for was lying all along. This gives you a feeling of adventure …show more content…

“Pure Escapism” explains this when the author says, “ In a culture defined by shades of gray, I think the absolute black and white choices in dark young adult novels are incredibly satisfying for readers.”(Stiefvater) One of these examples is when Day, one of the protagonists, has to choose whether or not to steal medicine or jump out of a window to escape, which is a decision with two clear choices, unlike many real life decisions. This allows the readers to have a clearer mindset about the book and it lets them relax. This satisfying feeling is shown in Legend when, The window shatters, and I’m suddenly out in the night again and falling, falling, falling like a star to the first floor. I rip open my long sleeved shirt and let it billow out behind me as thoughts zip through my head. Knees bent. Feet first. Relax Muscles. Hit with balls of feet. Roll. The ground rushes up at me. I brace myself.”(Lu, 31) This big fall is taking place after Day made a decision which was simple, leading into an extremely engaging action scene. These types of moments in books give the readers a feeling of satisfaction because of the simplicity of the made

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