Why I Hate Cancer Essay

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Cancer, sometimes referred to as the “big C”, or the “C” word. When you say it almost no one wants to speak. Cancer became such a heartbreaking word. Usually because it relates to the word death. It causes agony and you see glistening in their eyes pleading for help as fear overtakes them. It finds them approaching closer to death. Cancer, a disease that sneaks up on you and your life comes to a complete stop. Cancer’ known as a kidnapper. I hate cancer it makes me sick and not just any kind of sick, the sick that makes you punch holes in the walls and cry even when there are no tears. Almost like sandpaper rubbing across your eyes trying to eat away what pain and hopelessness you see in them.
September 2004, cold and flu season was just around the corner. It started out with a fever and a runny nose. My parents didn’t think anything of it until it was two weeks in and I was only getting worse. I started having nosebleeds every few hours and would wake up in puddles of my own dark red, dried blood. I was losing weight left and right; it was shedding off of my body like dog hair. September 27, 2004 I was taken to the hospital and two days later, transferred to Primary Children’s Hospital and on Oct. 4, 2004 at just six years of age I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).
Dr. Alleman, tall, dark, …show more content…

Cancer cripples you, you can’t move or speak. You may smile, but inside you’re in excruciating pain. You try to act like it doesn’t bother you because you don’t want to scare your family. All the medicine makes you feel like a different person. Cancer steals your identity. Cancer is wildfire and it spreads so fast and to so many people. It makes me want to go crazy. One day I pray that their will be a cure and that nobody will have to go through this anymore. Cancer is a MONSTER! But for me Cancer was a wake up