Why Is Agriculture Important In California

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Agriculture in California Thomas Jefferson said “Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth,good morals ,and happiness. ”. Farmers are this nation’s backbone they feed the starving masses of our nation as well as the masses of other nations as well. In the United States of America (U.S.A.) the largest Agricultural power belongs to California over two hundred assorted crops are grown each year in California, Though it did not start out like this ,In the 1840s people came from all over to join the gold rush. Many people did not find gold instead they found rich soil and great farming land that started an agricultural power. In this paper I will tell you how California’s agriculture has impacted in the United States. In the 1920s California underwent an industrial revolution along with the rest of the country that made it easier to grow crops and brought higher crop yields to farmers . An example of a machine that made it easier to work the land would be the (plow) it has allowed farmers to plow their fields a lot faster than …show more content…

At the moment farmer in California are currently using forty percent of the water being brought in from the Colorado river. Just to put this into perspective the average American family uses up to four hundred gallons every day , but that is just ten percent of the water that California is allowing residents to use, therefore forty percent of the water that is being used is an astounding amount especially when the residents number in the millions and still fall short of what the farmers are using. Not to mention that the amount of irrigated farmland is approx. 9 million acres. The Production output of California is 60% of the United States fresh vegetables and