How Does Agriculture Impact Southwest Iowa

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How Does Agriculture Impact Iowa? There are three ways agriculture impacts southwest Iowa. The three ways that we chose are agriculture, jobs, history, and products. These are three major impacts on both southwest Iowa and Iowa as a state. Our first paragraph will discuss the agriculture jobs that impact southwest Iowa. There are quite a few agriculture jobs in southwest Iowa, three of those jobs are General Ag Sales, which sells products to farmers. Agriculture seed sales representatives, who provide seed and fertilizer advice as well as research and production of crops to farmers. The last job is Agronomy sales, which is in charge of the sales, profitability, inventory, scheduling, reporting, safety, and maintenance suited for the agronomy department. …show more content…

Iowa is known for its corn production and many other crops. When settlers came to southwest Iowa from the Mississippi River, they found “Iowa”, Iowa. Iowa was named Iowa on December 28th, 1846. It was the best place to grow corn because the fields were so fertile. Throughout the growing stages of southwest Iowa, many other crops came to southwest Iowa. In the 19th century, soybeans first came to southwest Iowa. Wheat was not grown in southwest Iowa until 1840. The third paragraph is about the economic impacts on southwest Iowa. There are a bunch of agricultural products that impact not only southwest Iowa but Iowa as a whole, three of them are, hogs, corn, and cattle. All 3 of these products impact southwest Iowa because they are three out of the four main agricultural products in southwest Iowa. Hogs are used for food, medicines, farming, and drugs. Corn is used for food, drugs, farming, and industrial use. Cattle are used for food, medicine, farming, and accessories/clothes. Medicines made from cattle and hogs are Epinephrine and Insulin. Farming stuff made from corn, hogs, and cattle is