Why Is It Important To Continue Funding The Agricultural Education Program

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I believe it’s important for my school district to continue funding the agricultural education program because it gives students, such as myself, the option to gain knowledge and wisdom about our food and where it comes from. We also explore different agriculture aspects such as ranching, farming, and horticulture.
These classes are beneficial to our school because some students don’t have other resources for the subjects above. If the funding to these programs and classes ceased, people would only have basic, minimum knowledge about agriculture and may not be prepared to go to college to study something in an ag field. This program has been influential to many former high school graduates who are currently going to college to major in ag careers. …show more content…

It helps students in controlling plant growth and development. In ag business, the class studies marketing and manufacturing in the ag field. In agriscience we learn anything from animals to plants to dairy farms, it covers many subjects and gives us options to gain knowledge about the other classes there is to offer. Welding prepares people for hands-on life skill and prepares them for secondary school. Animal science studies the livestock production as well as dairy and meat products.
In a rural county like the one I currently reside in, agricultural-based jobs play a huge part in the community. In 2012 in this county alone there were 312 farms with a total of 310,310 acres. The average size of these farms are 995 acres each, the market value of the products sold equals to $112,803 for each farm. With this being stated, it’s important to continue educating students in subjects they would wish to pursue a career in.
It would be a waste to end the funding because our ag classes already have all the tools and resources they need to teach future students. Our welding and wood shop are full of all the supplies they need to continue learning and growing their knowledge. The horticulture classes also have a greenhouse and a garden to tend