Farm To Fork Programs In China

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Farm to Fork programs in China are also successful in teaching children the value of agriculture. The “Yew Chung International School visited Shanghai's BIOFarm” to educate their 6 year-old students. The BIO Farm gave the students hands-on experience with the “opportunity to consider, and make comparisons between, different farm types and to better understand and appreciate the importance of good practices in bringing food to their dining tables.” Children from Yew Chung International School participated in a farm tour as well as had the opportunity to eat a “farm-grown lunch” and even bring home a bag of vegetables which they had handpicked (Peters). Curriculum has been created, it is now time that every school looks into agriculture education …show more content…

Agriculture is such an important subject, it should not be taught to only a small percentage of students considering careers in agriculture or vocational agriculture. Everyone is affected by agriculture; therefore, agriculture should be taught in every school’s curriculum. The curriculum designed to inform students about agriculture teaches students more than an understanding about where their food comes from, but also a wide variety of skills. Through agriculture based curriculum, “agricultural educators teach students a wide variety of skills, including science, math, communications, leadership, management and technology” (“What”). The executive director of the National Association of Agricultural Educators, Jay Jackman, believes that Agricultural based courses provide students with opportunities to practice real life applications of concept in educational subjects including, math, science, and English (Pannoni). Agriculture education informs students of all ages about the importance of agriculture, and the careers available while also allowing students to use math, science, english and other commonly required subjects and their