Why Is Andrew Carnegie Important

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Andrew Carnegie, A man of many talents, that never gave up, and always strived for perfection. When you think of the economy and how far along it has came since 50 years ago one name should come to mind, Andrew Carnegie . He was the top person when it came to steel and made a lot of money doing it. Andrew Carnegie, played an important role in United States history, which brought about an exponential change in the United States
“Carnegie was born on November 25, 1835, in the small Scottish town of Dunfermline, near Edinburgh. His father, William, had been a successful weaver and moved to Dunfermline from a tiny settlement in order to be closer to the center of trade.” (Mcgill) His family eventually settled in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a city with a lot of factories and slums. (Mcgill) They had lived in a small down for a while but they finally moved to a bigger town with more factories. Andrew, seemed to be much more …show more content…

(Wasatch) Back in the eighteen hundreds and nineteen hundreds, america grew into a world economic power because of the industry. It is extremely difficult to imagine a world without steel. It has a huge impact on life life today and how people travel, but that's not the only thing. (Wasatch) Transportation, tools, and weapons have used iron which has been around for a very long time. The process in which people use high pressure air and heat to remove impurities is called Bessemer process discovered by Henry Bessemer. In today's world steel is used for many things such as Agriculture, Healthcare, Food service, Energy, Construction, Packaging, Automotive, Consumer goods, Technology, and Transportation. It's really strong and reliable. It's also relatively cheap to. In conclusion, carnegie ma a lot of money in the iron and donated a lot of money to libraries. He was an incredible