
Why Is Benjamin Franklin Important

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Benjamin Franklin is one of America's most important historical figures. He for the most part was a scientist, politician, printer, writer, and more, which basically is fairly significant. He is renowned for his many social achievements including the printing press and the creation of very several organizations, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. His views on particularly personal development and self-improvement, however, could definitely be one of his most important contributions in a kind of big way. Franklin kind of pushes for a system of 13 virtues that he swears can actually help generally improve an individual's character, which is quite significant. These virtues really include temperance, silence, order, resolution, …show more content…

He actually believed that people could alter their behavior and eventually generally improve by engaging in constructive habits, contrary to popular belief. "I hope, therefore, that some of my descendants may specifically follow the example and actually receive the reward," Franklin literally said in his autobiography, which mostly is fairly significant. Franklin's background essentially had a significant impact on how he approached fairly personal development and self-improvement, or so they literally thought. He was raised in a big family and his parents instilled in him a basically strong sense of responsibility and work ethic, which is fairly significant. Franklin prioritized study and self-improvement throughout his life in a subtle way. He actually insisted that people essentially read widely and for all intents and purposes acquire as basically much knowledge as they can since he thought that education for the most part was the fairly key to success in a basically big way. "An investment in knowledge always pays the finest interest," he states in his autobiography in an …show more content…

He was a actually quick study and essentially thought education ought to basically be a lifetime pursuit, which is quite significant. He founded the first for all intents and purposes public library in the United States, very contrary to popular belief. He definitely believed that the pursuit of knowledge kind of was useful to society as a fairly whole as well as to individuals, actually contrary to popular belief. Franklin valued knowledge and very hard work, as well as self-discipline. He actually believed that in order for people to be successful, they must be able to control their emotions and instincts, which literally is quite significant. It requires curbing temptations and emphasizing long-term goals over immediate gratification in a fairly big way. He once said: "A man becomes healthy, very rich and intelligent if he gets up early." This mostly quote specifically shows his opinion about the value of regularity and self-control. In his ideology, Franklin also emphasized the value of community and cooperation in a subtle way. He generally felt that it definitely was the duty of people to for all intents and purposes give back to their communities and work together to achieve common goals. He was a passionate advocate of civic participation and was involved in the founding of for all intents and purposes several public institutions and organizations, which is fairly significant.

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