Why Is Bilingual Education Necessary To Exist

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Is Bilingual Education necessary to exist?
Nowadays, with the increase of immigration population in the United States, more and more educational institutions start to offer bilingual education. Such practice is the action of teaching in two languages toward children who are the non-native speaker of English. However, the effectiveness of bilingual education in improving non-native speakers’ education quality and the necessity for its existence are still problems left to be argued.
As a country with English as its dominating language, the U.S. clearly has no need to offer bilingual teaching for the newcomers. Instead, the government should even enact laws to enforce students only speak and be taught in English during the class period. Countless reasons for such enforcement can be listed and the benefits it offers would be highly appreciated.
First of all, English as a language plays a significant role in the country as well as the world wide. English is the most common spoken language in the U.S.. It is the language used in nearly …show more content…

According to Christine Rossell in Interracial America, “Bilingual education is more expensive than mainstreaming or sheltered English immersion, and is less effective.” She recalls that students not participating in bilingual education are tested in English on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills at significantly higher rates than those who are in bilingual education programs in Texas. In addition to save money and gain better English language skills, immigrants with higher English ability tend to earn 67% more than those who speak English poorly base on a study of immigrants in New York City by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Bilingual education is merely a waste of money and effort hoping to improve one's