Why Is Boston So Important To You Essay

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UMass Boston is a place where I can better myself and become a strong member of society. I believe that it has everything that I need in order to lead a successful and happy life. While the school I attend now, is a great school, I have come to realize that it is not for me. As an IT major, I want to do what is best for me and even though Curry’s IT program is beginning to bud, it’s just not there yet. I need a school that can challenge me and I want to be able to learn without being hindered from lack of finances for my department of study. Outside of school work, UMass Boston also allows for me to socialize with a larger crowed and travel all around Boston. I want to be able to experience the city and work alongside my peers to make it better. Feeling trapped was something I constantly felt while at school. There were only two places that the shuttles went and only a few shuttles. In the city, there are more options for transportation. I shouldn’t have to fight for a seat on the shuttle just to get groceries. Not only that, but the suburbs don’t have very much to offer. The libraries are usually small and it could take up to several weeks to have a book shipped in. …show more content…

Because it is such a small school, I’m limited to a smaller environment with people whose interest tend to be the same. I want to be surround by students who are more worldly and have more self-awareness. Generally, city student and international students are more apt to display that. I want to be immersed in different cultures and meet new people every day. At Curry, it’s rare that you see a new face every day, but at UMass it’s almost guaranteed. Not only do I want diversity in people, but in my classes too. The types of classes that you can take at curry aren’t very many and I would like to be able to learn more than just my major before I graduate. The study aboard options are also