Why Is Cloud Computing Important

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B. An Important Emerging Issue in a trend and what it means in context to the industry.
The emerging of cloud computing is one of the most exciting yet challenging things that's happened in the IT world in the last decade for the CIO. Cloud computing is beneficial to CIOs but can also cause disaster. Previously, they made serious decisions on the costly hardware that will be eventually outdate and need to be replaced. This includes installing hardware and software, troubleshooting, maintenance and monitoring. Today, modern CIOs consider renting cloud applications in multiple areas of the business as an alternative, choosing the flexibility, speed and the affordability of the public cloud. The world has changed and everything must move as …show more content…

Cloud computing mitigation strategy.
Cyber threats like denial of service, data breach, and cryptolocker can cause as much damage as physical threats like electrical fires, or burst water pipe floods. These examples of incident and network threats can be as bad as a natural disaster that can occur at any given time. CIOs cannot take anything for granted from the newest topnotch security system or software, secure environment and location. Mitigation strategy is as important as building and maintaining a successful business.
Physical services like a plumber or barber can afford a little more cyber threat than an online service like Amazon and eBay (where every second counts, as there is no physical location). Risk mitigation strategy can be complicated, but it is as important as system implementations, disaster recovery plan to minimize downtime, to protect your assets, and to get back to operation as quick as possible during worse case …show more content…

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