Office 365 Week 3 Paper

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Optimise Your Office 365 Subscription with Cloud Computing

For IT-centric companies, cloud computing is a core building block for productivity, communication and collaboration.

And for most, Office 365 is the preferred environment to process and manage data with over 120 million active users in December 2017.

As you look to capitalise on Microsoft Office's powerful solutions for email, instant messaging, web conferencing etc., here are ways you can get the best out of your investment via cloud computing.

1. IT Strategy and Business Continuity

Attaining your business goals is the core focus of an IT strategy. Adopting the right Microsoft CSP for your Office 365 implementation will improve productivity, communication and efficiency right off the bat, ensuring you get the best bang for your Office 365 buck.

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2. Deployment Time

As everyday businesses activities demand more collaboration, productivity and agility, leveraging the services of a certified Microsoft CSP will ensure a seamless procurement and adoption of Office 365.

A Microsoft CSP will plan and design a custom migration outline that’s specific to your productivity requirements.

This will ensure the right Office 365 components are deployed which will drive internal collaboration and productivity, leading to return on investment.

Further, employing the appropriate Microsoft CSP will reduce the learning curve of your in-house IT staff for planning, designing and deploying Office 365.

That time can be allocated to more relevant business initiatives.

Leveraging the expertise of Crayon’s Microsoft CSP services guarantees a textbook deployment process and an automated agreement product cycle.

3. 24/7 IT Staff Support

Working with a Microsoft CSP that offers 24/7 support will ensure your internal IT department has the necessary support for the deployment and administration of Office

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