Edward Snowden Hero

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After leaking of the clandestine surveillance program PRISM which is operated by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) to collect internet communication including telephone calls, e-mails and other files made by millions of American, Edward Snowden is considered as a traitor by some of American politicians. They criticize his conduct violate the law and should be prosecuted. However, most of the ordinary citizens hail Snowden as a hero to reveal the unethical actions taken by American government.

A person, through his own decisions and actions, to defend one country and maybe all the countries people’s freedom, is not called a hero, then who else can be called a hero? The erosion of privacy rights has never been achieved in one …show more content…

This is the fate and destiny of human being. We don’t have choice. Either make the world a little bit better or make the world a little bit worse and this is the choice. If one goes into society, a nausea and dark adult society, in order to survive or for any shameful reasons, then he puts the world becoming more disgusted and darker. If there is one who does not do any harms to other people and spends his entire life to fight the unfair and irrational things surrounding him, to take care of his family and friends, maybe when he past, there is no fame and no fortune, does his life change the world? The answer is absolutely yes. Because of him, the world has another good person.

Therefore, when we mention Edward Snowden, people tag him with the man who has betrayed his own country. However, when thinking about him deeply, people will find what he has done is indeed to protect the citizens and also protect his country from becoming corruptive and hopeless, though it looks like he is a traitor.

And finally, according to Martin Niemöller [21]:
“When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a …show more content…

4.2. Or a Traitor?
On the other hand, to some content I thought Snowden was also a traitor. The reason that we also regarded Snowden as a traitor was originated from the manner he leaked the information. In the beginning, when this news blasted out, Snowden claimed that he did not know the definition of whistleblower. From my perspective, traitor or criminal must pursue legal avenues for reining in the NSA, for example, seek out members of Congress. People who are elected by American citizens represent the whole country’s interests on significant matters of state. The action that Snowden undoubtedly harm the benefits of home country.

Additionally, since his action had indeed caused an unavoidable effect, Snowden must take the responsibility for what he had done. If he truly believe in the righteousness, he should be confident that he can accept an absolute judge from American citizens who appreciate and welcome his actions. Actually, Snowden just took flight to Hong Kong and then Moscow in order to search for political assistance, which just proves that he was not a