Why Is Flag Burning Important

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Flag burning has been a big problem in the United States lately. It has been a very controversial topic lately because everyone seems to have a different opinion on it. Some people want to put an amendment in place, but some others believe that an amendment is unnecessary. To fully understand this issue with flag burning, you have to understand why the flag is important and what the flag means, why people want to put an amendment in place and why some people believe that an amendment should not be put in place. Although most people think burning the American flag is a punishable crime, it has been a very controversial topic in the past few years. The flag is an important symbol of freedom and patriotism to the country. It is expected that …show more content…

No one in public office is in favor of disrespecting or burning the flag (“Amendment”). Some people say that if an amendment was passed patriotism would be instilled (“Amendment”). It is often argued that flag burning is protected under the first amendment because it is a form of speech. It is argued because some people say that speech is something to be said, not done, and flags can't be burned with tongues. “The constitution is under attack by flag burners” (“Brady”). By disrespecting the flag, the constitution is being disrespected. Flag burning is not a form of speech, therefore it is not protected under the first …show more content…

Out of a quarter of a billion people there have been fewer than five flag burning riots a year (“Raskin”). It's not often enough that people burn flags, so there is no need for an amendment. “One is more likely to be in an earthquake or to win the lottery than to be subjected to a political flag-burning” (“Raskin”). It would only cause more problems if an amendment were to be put in place because people would only want to protest more. Some people say that there is no need for an amendment because people are not able to get to the most important flags such as the one on the capitol building. If someone were to try to get to that flag, they would be charged with trespassing before they could set it on fire. If a flag desecration amendment went through, people will start demanding more amendments to be passed such as ban the confederate flag or ban the swastika symbol (“Raskin”). The KKK has burned a lot more crosses than the RCP has burned flags. It would be very hard to get an amendment passed because the framers of the constitution purposely made it hard to add a new amendment. No amendment has ever been passed for a small group of people. Nearly 12,000 amendments have been introduced to congress, only 33 have gone through. A texas man that burned the flag in protest went to court and it ruled 5-4 that the government may not prohibit expression simply