Why Is Geometry Important In Education Essay

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Part B
The importance of Geometry
Children need a wealth of practical and creative experiences in solving mathematical problems. Mathematics education is aimed at children being able to make connections between mathematics and daily activities; it is about acquiring basic skills, whilst forming an understanding of mathematical language and applying that language to practical situations. Mathematics also enables students to search for simple connections, patterns, structures and rules whilst describing and investigating strategies. Geometry is important as Booker, Bond, Sparrow and Swan (2010, p. 394) foresee as it allows children the prospect to engage in geometry through enquiring and investigation whilst enhancing mathematical thinking, this thinking encourages students to form connections with other key areas associated with mathematics and builds upon students abilities helping students reflect …show more content…

Communicating is also an important part of the language process as it allows children to connect words, actions, pictures and symbols. Such communication helps children to enhance and develop their meaning. The use of manipulatives and meaning are used to assist children to represent concepts whilst allowing knowledge experiences that can be examined, explained and emulated. However some students struggle to find words used to describe a particular situation or words associated with mathematical meanings. Most of the words and names associated with geometry are from the Greek and Latin language, it is beneficial when teaching children the names of different shapes, that it is, introduced slowly so that children don’t become overwhelmed or confused, simple everyday phrases are beneficial until students become fluent in the language associated with

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