
Why Is Harriet Tubman Important In The Civil War

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The Civil War was a defining moment in the history of the United States. It is well known that many men served and died as soldiers, but women also played an important role in winning the war and supporting the men. Northern women as well as Southern women served our country as spies, nurses, and secret soldiers. As spies, some women went undercover to find new information to provide to the sergeants. As nurses, women would help to cure wounded soldiers and take care of them in the infirmaries located at the bases. As secret soldiers, women would disguise themselves as males to serve in the actual fighting. Serving in the Civil War in these various ways was not easy for women. Some had to leave their homes, risk there lives, and go against the …show more content…

Tubman was an American with African descendants who was born into slavery in Maryland. While she spent some of her lifetime as a slave, there came a point in which she was freed. Her father was freed by his master, and the law permitted for Tubman and the rest of her immediate family to also be freed. This law was ignored and Tubman continued to be enslaved (Harriet Tubman). Beside all the struggles Tubman went through, she was especially influential in the war because she successfully used her many skills to serve in any way possible, "During the Civil War, Tubman worked for the Union army as a nurse, a cook, and a spy" (Harriet Tubman). Her work as a spy was an asset to her side of the war, which was the Union army. Tubman went along the confederate lines to observe their missions and report back to her troops. Also, because she was a spy, she was able to make thirteen secret trips to the south to free enslaved people. This is now known as the Underground Railroad. Tubman was not just your average spy, she rescued and concurred! Her efforts of surviving and helping the army has made history and an impact on the lives of the people she brought to

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