
Why Is Hitler Important In History

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In many times in our history their have been those always persecuting others just because of their race or religion. We really never know why they did such things but we can just assume a reason why. Some of those people are remembered in history while others are forgotten and never really mentioned in history class. One of the people that everyone most likely knows from history class is Adolph Hitler. He was responsible for mass murdering of not only the Jews but anyone who he did not like and werent pure blood Germans. Even though he was an important figure in history there are others who took their chance in murdering or allowing murder in their country that are not often remembered. One of those people was named Joseph Stalin. Joseph Stalin was a little boy who was born December 18th, in the year 1879. While being inside of Gori, Georgia in the Russian Empire he …show more content…

Becoming a rebellious child came in contact with a secret organization called Messame Dassy which stood up for independence for georgia from russia. Because of this organization he soon became acquainted with Karl Marx’s and Vladimir Lenin writing. As he became more indulged in the organization he was expelled from his school due to failing to turn up for his final exams. With school out of the way he participated in many political strikes and revolutionary movements. While still in Tiflis and having no intention of returning home any time soon he got a small job as a clerk at the Meteorological Observatory. He then became apart of the Marxist Social Democratic movement, which allowed for his arrest several times due to the crimes he was involved with in the group for 14 years with the Bolsheviks. Due to organizing a labor strike in 1902 he was then exiled to Siberia. He soon took on the name of Stalin as it held the meaning of the “Man of

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