
Why Is It Better To Stay Active

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Is it better to stay active or do nothing at all? When a person is active they feel better about themselves. People who sit at home and do not do anything do not think much of themselves. People should stay active because they will have a better work ethic, will stay fit , and they develop new skills. First and foremost, when people are active their work ethic is better. For example someone might work at a gym or daycare, well they have to be active there but also they have to have a good work ethic. Working in an office building can be tough because people that work their can not stay active as much as someone who works on a farm or in a gym. If a person goes to a job interview and the manager is looking for a person to get sell going and someone …show more content…

People should always be active it is good for their health and also will keep them looking young and not so tired and their muscle will not hurt so bad when they get older. Staying active keeps people in shape. Secondly, somebody who is active will be fit and will stay that way. people can not have a job that requires a lot of energy and they want to sit down on the job, that is an easy way to get fired. Take a person who works in the army, they are fit, that is because they have to be ready at any time to go to battle. People do not go into the army if they are not fit because they have to go through boot camp and if they ca not make it through boot camp then they are not fit for the army, navy, air force, or the marines. Saying active will get people a long way in life. People will not have so much health problems. If people are more active at a young age then they will always know that staying active is a good health requirement. Look at the Dallas Cowboys football quarterback, Tony Romo, was not active the head coach or the team owner would not have drafted him to play. Once a person is active and is staying fit they will also learn new life

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