Why Is Jack Daniel Not Permissible

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Sharia • Drinking Jack Daniels is not permissible. Jack Daniels is haram based on the Quran 2:219: "They will ask you [that is, the Prophet] about kharnr [grape wine] and maysir [a game of chance]. Say in both there is great sin, also benefits for mankind, but their offense is greater than their benefit. Jack Daniels is a type of whisky as whisky contains alcohol and it leads to drunkenness so it is forbidden under Islam. While being drunk a man cannot be a Muslim, his iman will rise above his head and his Salat will not be accepted during 40 days. A hadith from Abu Hurayra based on the prophet Muhammad’s (saa) words: “A person cannot commit fornication at the same time as being a believer, nor can that person drink wine and be a believer at the same time. Nor is a thief a believer when he is stealing”. • Drinking Coca-Cola is permissible in Islam. …show more content…

It doesn’t lead to intoxication. Muhammad (saa) said that ‘Whatever intoxicates in large quantities, then a small quantity of it is forbidden', this refers to a certain beverage that intoxicates when someone drinks a lot of it but not when he drinks a little. Coca Cola contains a very small percentage of alcohol (0.001) as researchers found out but it negligible and even if a person drinks 10 cans of Coca Cola, perhaps it will harm him due to a big amount of sugar or caffeine but he’ll never be intoxicated. So, according to this hadith Coca Cola is permissible as its big amount never intoxicates even it contain very small amount of alcohol, this amount is very