Why Is John Brown A Visionary

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John Brown has been viewed as a heroic martyr and a visionary. Terrorist often have demands but no goals other than to terrorize. They also act in secret to plan their attack. John captured a number of slave owners but did not kill any of them. He even went out of his way to protect them. John Brown was not a terrorist he was a freedom fighter because he was not trying to make people fearful, he was trying to make an exact change to free the slaves.

Brown is viewed as a heroic martyr and a visionary. He said he was doing what God wanted him to do. He saved many slaves lives. He was doing it for a good cause; he wanted freedom for the slaves. Even though he should be viewed as a visionary, he has also been wrongly been called a terrorist. …show more content…

Brown had a goal, to end slavery. He was just trying to free the slaves. Brown also did not act in secret. He even tried to save some slaves owners.

John even captured a number of slave owners but he did not harm any of them and he even protected them. If Brown was a terrorist he would have killed them. A terrorist will kill people and does not care who it is. John protected the slave owners even though he did not agree with what they did. If he were a terrorist, he would not have protected them.

John Brown was not a terrorist, he was a freedom fighter. He has been viewed as a hero, and a terrorist, but he was well known and had a goal. If he was a terrorist, he would have killed all the slave owners but he saved some of them. John Brown is a freedom fighter. Freedom fighters are people who fight for a cause. Terrorists are just trying to terrorize and cause