Why Is John F Kennedy Responsible For Jfk Assassination

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The assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas forever changed America. On November 22, 1963, the Kennedys, John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy, stepped foot in Dallas, Texas and were greeted by a remarkable crowd wishing the Kennedys well. As the motorcade, in which the Kennedys were in, traveled among the crowds of excited people lined on the sidewalks the car drove into Kennedy’s last few minutes of life. At 12:30 p.m., in Main Street at Dealey Plaza, three gun shots were fired directly at the president. The bullets struck the president’s neck and head, and he fell onto Jacqueline Kennedy’s lap. At 1:00 p.m. President John F. Kennedy was pronounced dead and with all his dreams and goals for the country’s future died as well with him. Americans, who still live after Kennedy’s death, cannot move on with their lives because there are many questions they want to know. From the United States to Japan, everyone became aware of President John F. Kennedy’s death. They were skeptical about the situation. It was a shock for …show more content…

After two days since Kennedy passed away, more Americans attended church than any day in history. Americans compared Kennedy’s death to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which illustrated him as a martyr. Americans needed someone to consult with and speak of the tragedy that happened on November 22, 1963. Residents in Dallas, Texas could not stand themselves after the death of the president because they believed it was their fault he died. Dallas has many churches and not one of them did Lee Harvey Oswald attend to. Dallas residents knew if they were more encouraging and persuasive towards people to attend church, then Oswald would have attended church and never think of murdering the president. Americans turned their attention to God for relief and guidance, as well as to find reasonable reasons to why Kennedy was