Why Is Nationalism Important In Canada

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According to an online dictionary nationalism is “a feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country often with the belief that it is better and more important than other countries.” Although this is true, it can be believed that nationalism is a little bit more than that. Nationalism is a common bond that holds people to form a nation. It’s the small things that can be unnoticed. Just look at your high school, sports bring one group of people together and sometimes the library can bring another. Within a country on the other hand, it is just a little bit more than a sports team that brings a group of individuals together. I believe that within nationalism language, culture and geography are the most influential factors …show more content…

It brings a common mode of communication between people within a society. With language, ideas and knowledge and wisdom are shared and passed down between generations in a very meaningful way. In Canada the official languages are French and English, this was made official in 1969. Official languages influence a country's nationalism is an extreme matter. It makes the country unique from the others and brings people together. Although Canada has two official languages, in 1969 bilingualism was also made official in Canada as well. This is important because it was one of few countries that actually took focus and interest of other cultures other than that of its own. Although it still focused on its official languages, Canada made sure that other both cultures, British and French, feel safe and at home. This helps shape nationalism because Canada can see new cultures almost everyday and learns new things. Those are some big impacts of nationalism though, something small could be as simple as the languages in the grade eleven class. Theres two very distinct languages, English and Filipino, this helps have nationalism within the class because although everyone gets along with each other, those who speak Filipino have more of a connection and bond to each other compared to the bond of a Filipino and English group together. All of this just shows to prove that within nationalism, language really does influence …show more content…

Culture within nationalism is when a nation is defined by a shared culture. In a manner of speaking though, culture is the unwritten way of knowing, being and acting within a society. It is based on people's traditions, beliefs and values. Within culture people have different ways of life, oral stories, history, food, clothing, arts, TV shows, and films that bring them together. Canada has many cultures within itself, in fact it probably has a little bit of every culture within it. As immigrants come from around the world they bring aspects about them that may not be in Canada. In the past, most countries were countries because of the church. This was because then all that mattered was what the church had to say, if you didn't follow the church you were nothing at all. People would fight over whose beliefs were right and whose were wrong, even today in this modern time this still happens frequently. Social media brings forth a lot of criticism towards different cultures, like for example that all Muslims are “terrorists”, so to speak, because of the simple fact that most of the attacks made were from a muslim background person. They are viewed this because people misinterpretate there style, religion, traditions and beliefs. Just because english folks dress and act differently doesn't mean that Muslims are terrorists because they like to cover themselves up. This is just one of many cases to prove that like